• In the modern world, people are increasingly looking for natural remedies for common health problems. Ayurveda is a branch of natural medicine that focuses on using herbal remedies for common ailments. Perhaps the most popular holistic healing herb is turmeric and its constituent, curcumin.

    Turmeric, extracted from Curcuma longa root, is a species of ginger originating in India and Southeast Asia. This yellow spice boasts a long history of flavoring Asian cuisines and appearing in dietary supplements. Turmeric benefits the body in many ways, but does it help headaches and migraines?
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  • There are very few guarantees in life, but one thing you can always count on is the arrival of cold and flu season. Each year brings about the same fundamental question: What are the best natural remedies to cure a common cold, coughing and sneezing, and stomach flu symptoms?

    Turmeric supplements are perhaps the most well-studied and popular herbal remedy on earth. The curcuminoid content within turmeric provides immense health benefits with very few side effects. But, is turmeric good for colds and coughs? Can it help combat the seasonal flu?
    Lyfe Botanicals

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  • Turmeric is a therapeutic herb with thousands of peer-reviewed and clinical studies demonstrating an incredible amount of medicinal uses and health benefits. It’s not only widespread today, but it has been one of the primary herbal remedies in Ayurveda for thousands of years.

    Derived from the Curcuma longa plant, turmeric contains a potent rhizome called curcumin, which has proven itself to be a safe and effective approach for several ailments. But, is turmeric good for thyroid health? More specifically, does turmeric affect conditions such as hypothyroidism?
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  • The prestigious Curcuma longa root is one of the most beneficial medicinal herbs of our time. This member of the ginger family contains turmeric, a robust rhizome with numerous healing properties.

    Widely used in southern Thai and Indian cuisine, turmeric is now getting recognition as more than just a kitchen spice. But, can turmeric help depression, anxiety, and stress relief?
    Turmeric for Depression

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  • Turmeric, a constituent of the Curcuma longa root, has taken the world by storm in the past decade. Research continues to surface, demonstrating a wide variety of health benefits and medicinal uses for turmeric supplements.

    With thousands of studies in the books, there is a mountain of evidence to suggest that curcumin’s therapeutic effects are both powerful and long-lasting. If you’re here right now, you may be looking for clarification on the terminology you’ve seen used when discussing Curcuma longa.
    Lyfe Botanicals

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