• It’s no secret that turmeric is the center of attention in modern natural medicine. With so many dietary supplements emerging daily, curcumin continues to reign supreme with study after study demonstrating numerous health benefits.

    The curcuminoids within turmeric root extract are the antioxidants responsible for the majority of its healing properties. However, turmeric is notorious for having poor bioavailability, which calls its real-world effectiveness into question. Can black pepper extract (piperine) enhance turmeric absorption?
    Turmeric With Piperine

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  • Over the years, turmeric has shown incredible potential as a healing agent in natural medicine. Extracted from turmeric root is a potent rhizome known as curcumin, which provides the vast majority of its health benefits.

    Those in search of a safe and well-tolerated anti-inflammatory often end their journey on curcumin, which has become a staple dietary supplement in houses around the world. But, is turmeric a blood thinner, and can it help prevent clotting?
    Lyfe Botanicals

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  • When looking for dietary supplements that make a difference, it can be challenging to separate fact from fiction. Very few natural herbs and spices used in Ayurvedic medicine have the scientific backing to justify the boisterous claims.

    However, turmeric is different. With thousands of studies in the books, we’ve seen turmeric’s potent extract, curcumin, demonstrate a wide variety of health benefits with minimal side effects. But, can turmeric lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels?
    Can Turmeric Lower Bad Cholesterol

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  • Turmeric has become a household name. Not just for its role as the primary spice in well-known dishes such as curry, but as a powerful medicinal herb with healing properties and very few side effects.

    Within turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory agent called curcumin. These curcuminoids are the subject of numerous clinical studies in recent decades. But, can turmeric help lower blood pressure and reduce hypertension?
    Lyfe Botanicals

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  • Seemingly forever, turmeric has been a primary spice used in natural medicine to heal a wide variety of ailments. Extracted from the ground up roots of the Curcuma longa plant is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent called curcumin.

    In recent decades, science has confirmed the positive chatter surrounding many of turmeric’s health benefits. With such great results across a broad spectrum of conditions, curcumin is now used experimentally in several different areas. But, can turmeric help with weight loss, fat burning, and metabolism?
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